Friday, November 23, 2007

The Glass Ceiling About to be Shattered

It's coming folks. Every day it becomes evident that Hillary Clinton will be the next president of the United States. This will be a historic moment, and a giant leap for all women. Let us be done away with the myths that women aren't as competent as men. Let us rejoice in our equality. Let us do all that we can to protect our civil rights and the civil rights of others. Let us break through the invisible but all too powerful glass ceiling. It's time for change. It's time, for Hillary Clinton.

Even if you don't agree with her on her positions. Even if you agree with the those misguided souls who classify her as a "bitch". You must realize the greater importance of what's at stake here. This isn't just about Hillary Clinton the person. This is about Hillary Clinton the movement. We've come along way in the United States. Let it be known that a vote for anyone except Hillary Clinton is a vote for the continuance of economic segregation in the work place based on gender.

We've been getting a lot of new visitors here at Vote for Hillary Online: we welcome you all. If you've made it to this site, you're probably right on track to discovering why we all love and support her. Please take a moment to view our comprehensive list of Hillary's positions on the issues. You will not be disappointed.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...



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