Sunday, November 18, 2007

Open Letter to McCain from Vote for Hillary Online

Senator McCain is a simpleton. So we're going to keep this very short and sweet.

Dear John McCain:

When you were giving a conference in South Carolina and one of your supporters called Hillary Clinton a "bitch", you had a great opportunity take the high ground and give us all at least a little hope that there is still a glimmer of integrity in this historical presidential race. You failed miserably. You not only let your own supporters down by subscribing to the continuing smear tactics, but you let America down. Most importantly, you let Hillary down. You are a well respected man Senator McCain. And what you have just done gives the green light to all involved in this race that pandering to the lowest common denominator is fair game.

We are giving you a second chance. What is done is done, and we can't erase the past. But you do have it within yourself to remedy this situation. Vote for Hillary Online calls for you to denounce this type of behavior. We call for you to apologize not only for your supporter's actions, but for your response to those actions. Anything less than this is simply unacceptable.


1 comment:

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