Saturday, November 17, 2007

Hillary Campaign finds dirt on Obama, takes the high road

Vote for Hillary Online has learned that the Hillary campaign has been informed of some serious dirt on Barack Obama that could ruin his career. Do they release this information to the media immediately to ensure that Hillary will have absolutely no opposition to contend with and guarantee a victory? Of course, they could do this. And I know a few campaigns out there that would have done just that. But Hillary Clinton has integrity, and that's exactly why many have come to love and support Hillary for the 2008 presidential election.

Right wing columnist Robert Norvak writes:

WASHINGTON -- Agents of Sen. Hillary Clinton are spreading the word in Democratic circles that she has scandalous information about her principal opponent for the party's presidential nomination, Sen. Barack Obama, but has decided not to use it. The nature of the alleged scandal was not disclosed.

This word-of-mouth among democrats makes Obama look vulnerable and Clinton look prudent. It comes during a dip for the front-running Clinton after she refused to take a stand on New York Gov. Eliot Spitzer's now discarded plan to give driver's licenses to illegal aliens.

Experienced Democratic political operatives believe Clinton wants to avoid a repetition of 2004, when attacks on each other by presidential candidates Howard Dean and Richard Gephardt were mutually destructive and facilitated John Kerry's nomination.

Now, in a perfect world, everyone would realize that Hillary Clinton is taking the high road here and is doing Barack Obama a favor by not releasing this damaging information. However, as anyone who has been following us here at Vote for Hillary Online knows, they will most certainly try to spin this to make Hillary look like the antagonist.

Was Barack thankful for the fact that the Hillary Clinton campaign decided to keep his dirty secrets in the closet? No. In fact, he actually demands that we release the information!

From mediainfo:

He called on Clinton to release the alleged information -- or renounce the whole thing. He added: “She of all people, having complained so often about ‘the politics of personal destruction,’ should move quickly to either stand by or renounce these tactics.”

Has this man completely lost it? You have the Hillary campaign who runs across some very damaging dirty secrets, they take the high road and keep it a secret out of respect, and then you have Obama throwing a fit, demanding the information be released. Listen, I don't know about you all, but when someone tries to do me a favor and takes the high road when they have the potential to ruin my career, I keep my mouth shut. Vote for Hillary Online opines that this is a very bad move for Obama. Hillary once again shines through as the only candidate with true integrity, while the others only hope they could be half as virtuous.


riss said...

Ok seriously, both are scumbags. You have one who snubs the military and OUR country and the other who doesn't think he should put his hand on his heart for the Pledge of Allegiance. ARE YOU KIDDING ME? These two are so anti-American it's disgusting. Hillary can't find her ass with her two hands and a road map and yet you seem to think that she should run a country? You are a scary person. Maybe you should move to Cuba and hang out with Fidel.

Greg said...

This entire post is based on hearsay. If she was truly taking the high road, her campaign wouldn't even bring to light that they know anything. That's assuming that there is even anything to know. This is just a political tactic to make her look good when she is being (easily) slammed by her opponents, even though she has in reality done nothing over the past few days that is worthy of noting.

Greg said...

If you want to read a post that's not based on hearsay, as well as some feedback from the authors of this site, I suggest going here: